The First Day of School: The first days of school can be quite an adjustment for children – and parent/guardian. Children may appear tense or anxious and parents/guardians may be a little sad to realize that their children are really growing up. Children may want to cling to a parent/guardian and not leave home. A firm “good bye” at the building entrance may help the child over this hurdle. Kindergarten follows the regular school calendar – the first day of school is a full day.
Student Assessment and Support: We use a variety of assessments throughout the year to monitor each child’s progress. Intervention teams at each school provide support as needed. If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to contact your child’s teacher.
Reporting System: Three report cards will be sent to parent/guardian (December, March and June). Two parent/guardian conferences will be held (October and March) and the teacher will review each child’s progress at that time. As part of the total kindergarten experience, time for such conferences has been included in the calendar since we believe very strongly that good communication between the parent/guardian and teacher will ensure every child’s success. Parent/guardian who would like a conference at some other time during the year are encouraged to make an appointment with the teacher.
Special Services: We are fortunate to have an excellent special services staff available to help those children identified as requiring additional assistance.
Attendance: It is very important that children attend school regularly if they are to achieve the maximum benefit from our kindergarten program. Research has shown that students who are chronically absent from school (missing 10% or more) often struggle academically. Regular attendance is important. Students should stay home from school only when he or she is ill. Chronic attendance issues will be addressed by a support team in each school. We want to work with you to make sure that your child is at school every day.
Absences: If a child is absent or tardy for any reason, you should call the school in the morning immediately to notify us. Additional documentation may be required for school absences. This method ensures that both the school and parents/guardians are aware that the child is absent.
Late Arrivals: Parent/guardian should escort children who are tardy to the main office. Ring the bell located outside of the school building and wait for instructions. Please do not leave children at the front entrance to the school and drive off.
Early Pickup: Parent/guardian should send a signed, dated note explaining the need for early pickup. This can also be done via Parent Square. Children will wait in the main office area and will be dismissed from there. In the event someone other than the parent/guardian is meeting the child, parent/guardian should notify the school in writing identifying the person who will meet the child. This is for the protection of the child.
Bus Riders: Bus transportation is provided for students who live more than one mile from school. Parent/guardian may make other arrangements, but must notify the school in advance via our messaging system, Parent Square.
Cancellation of School: Should school have to be cancelled, released early or delayed, because of inclement weather or an emergency, an announcement will be sent through Parent Square, our messaging system and major television channels. Again, it is important that you keep your contact information up to date so that you receive these important messages.
Communication with the Teacher: We recommend that parent/guardians convey messages in writing, via phone, email or Parent Square. Parents/guardians are encouraged to meet with their child’s teacher – especially if parent/guardian have a question, problem or concern. We ask that parent/guardians call the main office and we will arrange a mutually convenient meeting time so that the normal kindergarten program will not be interrupted.
Money: Money sent to school should be in a sealed envelope and marked with the child’s name and the purpose for which the money is intended.
Emergency Numbers: We must have the parent/guardian’s current home phone, work number, email and at least two other emergency numbers to contact should your child become ill at school. Friends, neighbors and relatives may be good people to use for emergency numbers. If any of these numbers change during the year, let us know immediately.
Health Services: A school nurse is available to every student in the school during the week. The nurse conducts various health screenings and physicals, and provides students and teachers with general health awareness information.
Medical Emergencies: In the event of a medical emergency, we will contact parent/guardian. If we cannot reach them, we will handle the emergency in a professional manner, but we will keep trying to contact parent/guardians. The health and welfare of the child will be our utmost concern.
Medication: We require that the child’s doctor and parent/guardian complete a medication form available in all schools. The parent/guardian should then deliver the medication to the principal or nurse. The medication should be in the original container from the pharmacist and should be properly labeled. School personnel will administer all medicines. We also treat items such as cough drops or throat lozenges as “medicines”, and require you to bring cough drops to the nurse in the original container. Please note: Children are not allowed to have medicines in their possession at any time.
Food Allergies/Restrictions: Schools limit celebrations that involve food. Foods brought in from home must have a food label on them so the ingredients can be reviewed for potentially hazardous ingredients. You will be notified each year if specific food items will be excluded in your child’s classroom activities based on the individual medical needs of children in that classroom. Children are discouraged from sharing foods with other children during meal and snack times due to concerns about allergies and other restrictions on some children’s diets.